Monday, November 1, 2010

Pancham still dominates Ad-World for jingles....

here's a nice feature published in Glamsham....

Pancham dominates even through the world of Advertisements
October 30, 2010 06:50:15 PM ISTEnkayaar, Glamsham Editorial

Two jingles currently doing the round of advertisements based on Pancham aka R D Burman's songs of the era when he really was the fusion king, 'Saamne Ye Kaun Aaya Dil mein hui halchal', where a husband has the confidence to serenade her wife, after marriage, the catalyst being the peppy music of Pancham.

In the same manner, the advertisement of a Scooty, 'Jaane Do na', where a constable allows a girl to break through the security cordon and run away, with Pancham's music rising to a crescendo in the background, underlines the ability of his songs to create the environment for branding the product.

As a matter of fact the current crops of advertisements being aired have now shifted their background from choosing the songs of sixties to the songs which were trademark of Pancham, underlining the importance of his music among the youth of the present times.

Who can forget the evergreen Pancham number 'Hum Jab Honge Saath Saal Ke', now set against the back drop of the cascading promenade of Marine Drive in Mumbai, interestingly, shot in Black and White underlining the importance of old romantic songs to accentuate the continuity of romance even in old times. It is also a telling comment about the songs being made in the present times, which do not form a part of any advertisement jingle as the old songs, more so that composed by Pancham. ..........